Alchemy Crystal Bowl Healer Level 1

Event Type: Training workshop

Date & Time: Sat - Sun 4-5 May, 10-am- 5pm

Address: 16/F Simsons Commercial Building 137-139 Johnston Rd Wanchai, HongKong

Price: $5555

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At this two days Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowl Lv1 you will learn :

Basic knowledge and science of Sound Therapy

Type of Crystal Singing Bowl

History of Crystal Singing Bowl

The uniqueness of Crystal Tones Alchemy Crystal Bowl

Basic music theory for Alchemy Bowl

Type of mallets and applications of various techniques

Use of Alchemy Bowls for self-care and group

Care of Alchemy Bowls

Date and Time: 4-5 May 2025 10 am – 5 pm

Investment: HK$5555

Special offer: HK$3333 if you purchase Crystal Tones Alchemy Bowl with us.

There’s a service charge if you book on Eventbrite

For other payment methods (Payme/FPS/Bank transfer)

Please email or WhatsApp +852 51998411 to book